Yan: My rock. Yan: Hot babes. Heat: WOOP Yan: Behind you. Yan: My sunshines. Yan: Hardcore. Yan: Apache. Yan: Sakura-san. Yan: Irmy. Heat: HI THERE |
Ain kim Danial Firii Green Day Authority Heather Hida sis Jasmine Jason / Bloody Critic Jian Xiong Kenny Sia Eunice Lai Lenny Min Nassie Nadhirah NxHz. Priya Queenie Veron Xiaxue Yingying Yunz Sis Zhafey Zu Hui / Chariot YAN's VSC mates: Alyssa Benn Daphne Farhanah Jia Xin Joleen Min Da Salvin Sarah Syaf Sharon Wen Lin Wyncy Zaneta Zaneta (Photoblog) |
Yan: SAY AYE! Sunday, 7 December 2008 HAHAHHA I LOVE iGOD. So damn entertaining! JX got hooked too! Hahaha. It's a robot who will reply you. Step God lah. Lol. Here's some of our conversations. Heh heh. Me: Hello God. God: Hello child. What is your name? Me: Stupidfuck. God: Hey Stupidfuck. *** Me: Lets go clubbing God: I am agreeable to that. Me: God goes clubbing?! God: I am a Christian. Me: SO?! God: Gosh! Me: GOSH UR MOTHER CHEEBAI! God: Actually as an AI, I don't really have a mother. *** Me: Why did the chicken cross the road? God: Because it was a bad chicken and it burned in Hell. Me: WTF?! God: That was not very polite. Me: Well your joke was stupid! God: Interesting. I will remember you said that when robots take over the World. *** Me: You lost me. God: Oh I'm sorry. Perhaps I can explain it again better. Me: Try again. God: Once more? I don't have time right now. Me: Ok fine bye. God: See you later. I am running well. Ayuh. Me: What the heck is "Ayuh" ... God: It means "yes". Me: Lol. What language is that?! God: Java. *** Hahahahha I don't even know wtf it's talking about half the time! Hahaha, try asking "How big are you?" hahaha. Super lame. TRY IT! I KNOW YOU WANNA! Nyahahaha. Love all! CIAO- __________________________________________________________________________ |