Yan: It's your call now. HEAT: Manic and i Yan: I heart Italian. Yan: The Jatuh Boys. Yan: WHAZZZZZZAAA! Yan: A, Adorable. Yan goes Yan: WAKE UP! Yan: This one way street. Yan: Wtf sia. |
Ain kim Danial Firii Green Day Authority Heather Hida sis Jasmine Jason / Bloody Critic Jian Xiong Kenny Sia Eunice Lai Lenny Min Nassie Nadhirah NxHz. Priya Queenie Veron Xiaxue Yingying Yunz Sis Zhafey Zu Hui / Chariot YAN's VSC mates: Alyssa Benn Daphne Farhanah Jia Xin Joleen Min Da Salvin Sarah Syaf Sharon Wen Lin Wyncy Zaneta Zaneta (Photoblog) |
Heat: ALL sick and unwell Sunday, 8 February 2009 At last at last, i met up with Acap and Fahmi. Great catching up with the guys because i missed them. I thank my great buddy for the movie and everything. Putting that aside,i actually woke up with a swollen face. Well, half of it. I am in torture. My right side is in pain, gums are red and swollen, occasionally i am down with fever and it hurts! Best, tomorrow is SSM project execution week. I got my MC yet i am to drag my sick body to school tomorrow. God, i hate SSM. Back to yesterday, despite my weak body. I had a great day with the guys then follow by night party over at Ong's. You know, despite the fact that i was in pain and ill, i really had fun there. So, i deserved it. Because my illness has worsen. love Swollen face heat. __________________________________________________________________________ |