
In case you missed me. Heh.

3 Levels of Awesomeness.


It's ALMOST 12.

The best thing about fights:

Madam Crapalot.


Dear confused,

Stupid heart. Stupid brain.

Bored to me skull fellas.



Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Yan: TP VSC. 241190. Awesome.
Heat: TP LRM. 140390. Awesome bitch.


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Nassie / Nasuha / Nas:
Major bookworm.
Not Rihanna.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Hafiz / Afistz / Afiz:
One and only fatty. ♥
Boobies so huge, I'm jealous.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Razif Ramli / Azip / Wazif:
Lost in Republic.
Shawtaaaaaay! ♥

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Razif Kassim / Ajit:
Maplek paling hensem.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Asyraf / Acap:
Chicks hunter dah taubat.
Resident jiwang singer.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

"Them Guys":
Best of its kind. (:


Basecodes: rearrange
Layout: sugarxskulls

Rain rain go away..
Thursday, 10 June 2010

Roma photos up!

We decided to stay in today. After all, we've been going out every single day since I took off from Singapore hahaha and it's a little bit too much on my ~old~ mum. Hahahaha. So she wanted to rest today and just as well, cos I have major horrid backaches as usual. :(

Also, outside is raining motherfucking mad.

But my dad went out to buy groceries, came home DRENCHING wet and cooked all of us dinner.. Awww.. My mum woke up from her nap happy of course. (She doesn't like to cook. Or wash. Or iron. Or hmmm... Hahahahah no wonder she spends so much time on the computer.)

I can only wish to have a life partner like my Dad. :\

All we have left now are women beaters, men with genital warts, guys who save up and condone abortion, cheaters (do I even have to say that? lol), nicotine addicts, alcoholics, junkies and the most pathetic of the lot, those with no ambitions.

Hoping that my back ache gets better after tomorrow, I wanna soak in the Parisian sun cos the rain is dampening my mood a lil. (Ignoring that the weather forecast says it's gonna rain all the way till I leave Paris *sadface*)

NOT LOOKING FORWARD TO THE DUBAI HEAT AHHHHH. Then that's when I start wishing for some rain. Heh. Summer sale summer sale summer saleee.. Hmph.
