Viva forever. The first cut is the deepest. Hope it gives you hell. If we don't go... One for the night. While my hair dries... You are nothing without me.That much, you need to ... Do you really want itttt! VIVA LA ESPANAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Catch some ZZZs. |
Ain kim Danial Firii Green Day Authority Heather Hida sis Jasmine Jason / Bloody Critic Jian Xiong Kenny Sia Eunice Lai Lenny Min Nassie Nadhirah NxHz. Priya Queenie Veron Xiaxue Yingying Yunz Sis Zhafey Zu Hui / Chariot YAN's VSC mates: Alyssa Benn Daphne Farhanah Jia Xin Joleen Min Da Salvin Sarah Syaf Sharon Wen Lin Wyncy Zaneta Zaneta (Photoblog) |
Slight bitchfit. Wednesday, 28 July 2010 ![]() *FFF..FUCK YOU!* But right now.... Seriously guys?! My goodness give me a break and fuck off. For the first time I'm so sick of it. So fucking lazy to layan the incessant messaging. It's bad enough to get from one... BUT THREE?! Why why why why why. And don't get me wrong, I'm not like some skinny bitch who complains she's fat. I'm honestly sincerely annoyed like fuck. Like, so bad I can burn my favourite bra and stuff it down their throats. Well I'm sorry I have a lousy LG touch screen phone which annoys me til no end and that I live in Woodlands which has reception like I'm on planet fucking Pluto. So I can't be assed to layan people seriously. Well unless you're one fire fighter I know..... Heh...... Good night lads! And recognise a fucking HINT when you see one. What is wrong with me? Why do I get the psychos? I must be sending some wrong signals tsk. Cranky. Goodnight. (Sorry if I don't make much sense -___-)
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