Mystery Yan: Super long emotional post ahead. I warned. HOMIES gay metal face Yan: Sorry for the fucks. heat:OH DEAR. heat I LOVE MYSELF Yan: Misses. |
Ain kim Danial Firii Green Day Authority Heather Hida sis Jasmine Jason / Bloody Critic Jian Xiong Kenny Sia Eunice Lai Lenny Min Nassie Nadhirah NxHz. Priya Queenie Veron Xiaxue Yingying Yunz Sis Zhafey Zu Hui / Chariot YAN's VSC mates: Alyssa Benn Daphne Farhanah Jia Xin Joleen Min Da Salvin Sarah Syaf Sharon Wen Lin Wyncy Zaneta Zaneta (Photoblog) |
Yan: No class laa.... I feel so stupid. Monday, 21 April 2008 Block 1 12pm - 3pm: Advertising (Ferdinand), 04-21 3pm - 6pm: Prepress Technology (Tai Pang), 04-21 [2 weeks holiday] Block 2 9am - 12pm: Leadership & Character (CDS), 03-10/F 6pm - 9pm: Creative Storytelling (Elective), 03-10/C (First two Saturdays Apel2, 9am-12pm) Block 3 9am - 12pm: PF Graph (Patricia), 03-36 12pm - 3pm: Web Design (Yong Kin), 04-21 Block 4 9am - 12pm: Studio Lighting (Chee Yong), 05-09 Block 5 12 pm - 3pm: PixCo (Tai Pang), 04-24 [4 weeks holiday] Holler if you're in the same class! I hated it when my other friends complained they had to work while studying. Not hate lah, I'm usually worried that they're wasting their time working than concentrating on studies. Now, I'm becoming that person. =( Hopefully, with working, I'd understand to quit procrastinating for good. I went to class, thinking I was late. Then guessy what. NO CLASS!! Bahaha. Expected. So I'm going to see my fucked-up-manager-who-scolded-me-like-fuck-and-wasn't-happy-till-I-cry, again later. But too bad cos I have no class timetable with me. Argh, I'm so fucked. Farhanah and I seem to share the same timetable, YAYS! I hate Tai Panggggg.... Oh wells, at least we don't have that fucked up Photo lecturer. Panda face. Eat my shit. I can't even remember his name. Kay (the bitch manager) is so gonna fuck my ass today. Argh. Since I haven't talk about work, I might as well do now. So yeah, I'm working at Wheelock Borders. Pay is super fab. And everybody is nice to me cos I'm the youngest around. Haha. You're supposed to be at least 18 when you sign up, but I've only just turned 17, five months ago. Heh. Anyways.. My favourite colleague HAS GOT to be the dancer malay guy. His name his Herzy and OMG he's so sassy I LOVE IT! He goes around calling people Honey and GRRRRL. Lol, he's god damn hilarious la. We were doing the information counter yesterday and he said this to a curvy Chinese colleague, "Grrrrl, I think you're a Black woman stuck in an Asian's bodaaay! With hips like that, MMMPH! I don't need no Beyonceee~" EVERYONE WAS SO SHOCKED AND JUST LOL-ED MAN. And I'm so not exaggerating. Some thinks he's weird but I totally click with guys like these, since I'm surrounded by them in school. Haha. And plus, he calls me Shakira. LOL. Okays, enough rambling. FRESHIES ARE SO L-O-L. I saw one who looked like she's going for dinner with the President and another who looked like she's going for a holiday. Aiyah, design students are like that...? They say by Year 2, you won't bother to dress up. Haha, not me. I still love to. I'm gonna buy gazillion pairs of shoes with my pay. =) I need to Add/Drop.... So leceh. Better use my time now wisely. School starts tomorrow. 30% staff discount yippeeee! I love going to work cos I get to smell the smell of new books everyday. =) No offence, but Indians are still the shittiest customers around. They treat you like shit, have no respect, don't know how to smile, expects to get everything he wants and even when you do your best, he still steps on you like you're a piece of shit. And you wonder why I'm like this? Okay, see you guys soon! I miss those class mates, and having lunch!! Haha. Okays, CIAO- Labels: school, work was murder __________________________________________________________________________ |