Heat: 4 in the morning Yan: Weirdo. Yan: Serene. ^-^ Yan: I know that feeling. HEAT: SOMETHING'S UP. Yan: Time now is Give:Up. Heat: yesterday Yan: Where's my sunshine? =( Yan: Makan kau, sampai mampos. HEAT: LASTLY, I PRESENT YOU MYSELF. |
Ain kim Danial Firii Green Day Authority Heather Hida sis Jasmine Jason / Bloody Critic Jian Xiong Kenny Sia Eunice Lai Lenny Min Nassie Nadhirah NxHz. Priya Queenie Veron Xiaxue Yingying Yunz Sis Zhafey Zu Hui / Chariot YAN's VSC mates: Alyssa Benn Daphne Farhanah Jia Xin Joleen Min Da Salvin Sarah Syaf Sharon Wen Lin Wyncy Zaneta Zaneta (Photoblog) |
Yan: Your eyes...... @.@ Saturday, 6 September 2008 Fuhyoooo, sabar je Yan. Lag sungguh tak maintain. Sial betol. I wanna buy Mac already. So anyhows, yesterday was the best buke ever sia. The guys and I went to Woodies Pasar Malam. Suffice to day, the one and only good thing about Woodlands is the pasar malam. Wooooh, best food there. Seth with the lighter. Step "Are You Afraid of the Dark". Hoo hoo, cue music. The bloody lighter which gives you headaches, and most probably, FITS. Muke..... Fuhyo. Haha. Like you want to smack with your slipper right. Hahaha. So anyhows, today I met my HOTHOTHEAT~ Went towning and shopping. Haha. She bought shoes. O.O Bah, wish I can shop more. Haha. This month, IS THE MONTH TO EAT! Ohya, we went to watch 4Bia. HEATHER ACTION SIA. Now she 18 redi right, she won't shout in horror movies. I still do. -___- (Underage mah...) It's a reaction la. Like, someone creep up behind me me, I'll scream. If a male stranger suddenly enters the lift with me, I'll SCREAM MY FUCKING LUNGS OUT. Hahaha. BTW, I KNOW YOU SCREAMED LIKE A PUSSY WHEN THE GHOST MADE HER FALL OUT THE WINDOW. HAHAHAHAHA LOSER LAAA~ HAHAHA. (Actually she didn't scream cos all her friends told her the storylines already. Haha.) The movie was surprisingly good! =) The third storyline was hilarious, dunno whether to laugh or cry! Haha. And agreed, they kept the best for last. Haha. I still think the schoolgirl is prettiest! I'm gonna find her photo.... Hehhhh.. Okay, the show is more than just a few screams and nervous laughters. I think the concept of 4 storylines is great. Real smart. You won't get tired of the movie. Aside from typical storylines, they had great improvisations and nice art direction. Me likey. But please eh, the computerised graphics, sumpah cannot make it. Stick to make-up rather than CGI la please. Or learn a thing or two from Harry Potter movies. Hoohoo. I like it much. Pardon the ah lians who will confirm scream at every opportunity, you feel like throwing your chunky heels in their face. So that was our night out. Hoohoo. Haven't seen her for quite a bit! When I talk to old friends (those from Dunman), I find it quite odd when they ask me this one question, "So you and Heather still close?" And I'll go, HUH? DUH? What a seriously idiotic question right? I still find it quite bizarre why they ask. After endless fat jokes, and how huge Afiz's tits are, we finally ended the conference. Hahahaha. That skinny pok (not Afiz) should eat himself, really. Fully packed week next week too! Starting with jam on Sunday. WOOOH! $$$$ MONEY MONEY MONEY $$$$ Rain money please. Hehe. Great night. Ciao- __________________________________________________________________________ |