


EIGHT is better than one. :)

You were born in the zoo!

Playin it smart.

Liars go to hell.

My remedy.

Aku sweet or what! Haha.

He doesn't lie. He just doesn't tell me any fuckin...

Eyecandy. Yumyumyum.



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Yan: TP VSC. 241190. Awesome.
Heat: TP LRM. 140390. Awesome bitch.


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Nassie / Nasuha / Nas:
Major bookworm.
Not Rihanna.

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Hafiz / Afistz / Afiz:
One and only fatty. ♥
Boobies so huge, I'm jealous.

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Razif Ramli / Azip / Wazif:
Lost in Republic.
Shawtaaaaaay! ♥

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Razif Kassim / Ajit:
Maplek paling hensem.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Asyraf / Acap:
Chicks hunter dah taubat.
Resident jiwang singer.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

"Them Guys":
Best of its kind. (:


Basecodes: rearrange
Layout: sugarxskulls

I cannot bear to lose you again.
Saturday, 27 February 2010

If it involves breaking hearts, it's always better sooner or later. Even so, tonight I died a little more inside.. And to show that I was serious, I'm not gonna talk about it here. Whatever it is, I love you and (cliche as it is) a part of me will always do. I just wished you held your end of the bargain better..

I'll be back when turning around every corner doesn't remind me of him so much.

Don't wanna talk about it. Good night.

