& Before I forget. You know what. If heaven was pink. I should stop shaking srsly. Tsk. Because of Nuclear. Go on and take a bow. Done with you. Take it by the days. I'm not crying for you. |
Ain kim Danial Firii Green Day Authority Heather Hida sis Jasmine Jason / Bloody Critic Jian Xiong Kenny Sia Eunice Lai Lenny Min Nassie Nadhirah NxHz. Priya Queenie Veron Xiaxue Yingying Yunz Sis Zhafey Zu Hui / Chariot YAN's VSC mates: Alyssa Benn Daphne Farhanah Jia Xin Joleen Min Da Salvin Sarah Syaf Sharon Wen Lin Wyncy Zaneta Zaneta (Photoblog) |
Goodnight! Wednesday, 24 March 2010 Let me demonstrate how bad my memory is. afiz: acam kol rapa smpai umah Cigarettes & Valentines ; YAN: heh okok lah cant rmb afiz: lupe... bagos.... Cigarettes & Valentines ; YAN: eh did u ask me to text u when im home? afiz: err no Cigarettes & Valentines ; YAN: haha ohhh tt was ytd or two days ago n it wasnt even you lol afiz: thats the why... tsk! So I apologise in case I forget things easily. Heh. Oh my, that was random. O.O Haha will be back with a proper post tomorrow, PROMISE! Before I fly off to the land of weird English and bakso with cili padi WOOOOOOH! Ciao~ __________________________________________________________________________ |