In conclusion Gotta love sarcasm. You're not angry that you lost me. I sing. I cannot bear to lose you again. Lovegame. TréohTré. EIGHT is better than one. :) You were born in the zoo! Playin it smart. |
Ain kim Danial Firii Green Day Authority Heather Hida sis Jasmine Jason / Bloody Critic Jian Xiong Kenny Sia Eunice Lai Lenny Min Nassie Nadhirah NxHz. Priya Queenie Veron Xiaxue Yingying Yunz Sis Zhafey Zu Hui / Chariot YAN's VSC mates: Alyssa Benn Daphne Farhanah Jia Xin Joleen Min Da Salvin Sarah Syaf Sharon Wen Lin Wyncy Zaneta Zaneta (Photoblog) |
Live like we're dying. Tuesday, 2 March 2010 I should chill the fuck out seriously. Stress won't do me any good. Argghhh.. Need a fluffy hug from that fat boy. I'm uploading the yacht photos! Okay. Thank God for Nikhil's if not they would have bugged the living hell out of me heheh. This bloody room is so dusty. And I'm not the sneezing type. I should stop being scared. I should just see the doctor soon. Hold my hand? :( __________________________________________________________________________ |