
U may not adore hip hop. But this song kick ass. I...


yan: i spit in the face of ppl....


yan: my girl.

yan: not in the mood.

yan: skates without brakes.


yan: opening soon: School!!

yan: so happy i forgot to put title!



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Yan: TP VSC. 241190. Awesome.
Heat: TP LRM. 140390. Awesome bitch.


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Nassie / Nasuha / Nas:
Major bookworm.
Not Rihanna.

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Hafiz / Afistz / Afiz:
One and only fatty. ♥
Boobies so huge, I'm jealous.

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Razif Ramli / Azip / Wazif:
Lost in Republic.
Shawtaaaaaay! ♥

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Razif Kassim / Ajit:
Maplek paling hensem.

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Asyraf / Acap:
Chicks hunter dah taubat.
Resident jiwang singer.

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"Them Guys":
Best of its kind. (:


Basecodes: rearrange
Layout: sugarxskulls

yan: oh my salmon.
Saturday, 27 October 2007

i've been really tired lately. and today was the first day i overslept on the bus and overshot one stop after safra. yeah, never happened before, and it did.

so anyways, just now, i was fast asleep, still haven't change, by about 11pm. tired.

happily sleeping then my phone rang.. conversation went something like:

person: blub blub bloob poop
me: mmmm blub bloob blee bop
person: ohh. blop beep.
me: mmmm...

and then i woke up. haha. had a great time today doing nothing but orgasming from salmon sushi (grrr..) and just well, spend time. haha. love you! and happy 27th dear. good luck tomorrow!

and i'm happy to say that lately, you've been a great boyfriend. aside from all those psp chatter, which i *ahem* don't mind listening to, you've been just wonderful. rarely being late, waiting for me at design entrance, it's those little things that matters most sometimes. haha. but sadly still, you bathe like a girl. my god, i can't stand it. if you become my husband, i'll just brush u with beros jamban and hog the tub.

and anyways, now you'll bathe longer cos right, YOU BOUGHT A STRAWBERRY FLAVOURED KODOMO TOOTHPASTE! -_______________- omg sayang.. sayang..

pictures up another time. and need to get new phone. like desperately. this LG is killing me.

oops, my train of farts just woke Boy up. heh. ciao-

