
yan: final painting!

yan: bleeding blaine

yan: long hugs

yan: kidnap material.

yan: baby is the best

the insignificants. (JOKING!)

yan: best night of your life so far

LetslaughLets all laugh againThe brains behind thi...

yan: you kill me worse than boredom can

heather & afiz



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Yan: TP VSC. 241190. Awesome.
Heat: TP LRM. 140390. Awesome bitch.


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Nassie / Nasuha / Nas:
Major bookworm.
Not Rihanna.

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Hafiz / Afistz / Afiz:
One and only fatty. ♥
Boobies so huge, I'm jealous.

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Razif Ramli / Azip / Wazif:
Lost in Republic.
Shawtaaaaaay! ♥

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Razif Kassim / Ajit:
Maplek paling hensem.

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Asyraf / Acap:
Chicks hunter dah taubat.
Resident jiwang singer.

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"Them Guys":
Best of its kind. (:


Basecodes: rearrange
Layout: sugarxskulls

yan: shock of my life
Friday, 16 November 2007

I was helping Seth researching for his OB project. And of all topics, he had to do on the behaviours of Emokids. Nyeh heh. The fun's only starting..

This entry will be short and sweet for two reasons. No. 1 for the full impact of what I'm gonna tell you and No. 2 because I'm sleepy like shits la sial.

Anyways, I was browsing through emo websites. Now as we all know, emokids are *ahem* misunderstood. Yah, they are sensitive and duh, emotional. Yada yada. And of course we have all grown accustomed to calling them faggots for that reason. Now now, there is no reason to call any guy a faggot just because he is in touch with his feminine side. (Haha) Because faggots, or gay people are these guys here: (enjoying some tonsil hockey)

Gay enough right? Those are straight up hot male kissing there. But here's a shocker.

People, emokids have proven their self worth. Now, we have a right to call them faggots. We have a right to call them gay pieces of fuckshits. Because:


And what's worse is that, this IS COMMON in emo culture. Well, obviously in the US cos people are more open there and they have one fucked up government. But the point is, apparently they feel it's not being gay when emo guys kiss. WHAT-THE-do you really need me to say it?-FUCK?!

Oh sureeeeeee.. You're emo, you can make out with tongues and all. And while you're at it, get nekkid! It was written in the emo website that they do it cos they say girls find it hot. Hoho, waittttt a minute there..

Let me clarify that statement. Indeed, it is interesting to the point of stimulating to see gay and very not emo men, kissing. Emokids have bodies that are pathetically scrawny compared to hot gay men who are mostly well built. Don't even think of being comparable to gay men. Thank you very much.

AND.. To say that you're not gay, (at least bi man, c'mon) and think you're still allowed to kiss other guys, that's just not cool man. The only girls who find it hot are either emo (or secretly emo) or those kinky girls or maybe their personal fetish.

And trust me, this distorted view of homosexuality is evident everywhere amongst emokids. Just google "Guys kissing" and tell me how many "emo guys kissing" turned up in the images. Man, I'm traumatised.

I've got to go now. See if I can get some new eyeballs fixed. Ciao-

