
yan; nvr been better.


yan; "sore nipples, they're here!"

yan: im a strong girl

Heather:SHOUT OUT!

yani: gua strong babe.


yan: ohgosh.

yan: sigh..




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Yan: TP VSC. 241190. Awesome.
Heat: TP LRM. 140390. Awesome bitch.


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Nassie / Nasuha / Nas:
Major bookworm.
Not Rihanna.

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Hafiz / Afistz / Afiz:
One and only fatty. ♥
Boobies so huge, I'm jealous.

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Razif Ramli / Azip / Wazif:
Lost in Republic.
Shawtaaaaaay! ♥

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Razif Kassim / Ajit:
Maplek paling hensem.

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Asyraf / Acap:
Chicks hunter dah taubat.
Resident jiwang singer.

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"Them Guys":
Best of its kind. (:


Basecodes: rearrange
Layout: sugarxskulls

yan: another boring day
Sunday, 6 May 2007

OKAYS! yours truly is sooooo inspired to write proper good english again. nyahaas.

today is another day at home. wanted to go ikea with my bro. just to ride the motor. gerek you know. wind in your hair. or your hair mercilessly slapping your face. painful fun.

acap gave me mika's GRACE KELLY. omfg. so.. irritatingly good. i like. x)

i feel like burning that bitch who took my boy away. did you know, that in ancient times. when a guy cheats on his woman, he's tied upside down between two poles and dismembered into two. crotch first. it's called sawing. COOL OR WHAT. i can only imagine seth in that otherwise sexy position. nyahaas. okay la, abit sadistic right. heh. and it's more cruel cos his friends read my blog but the royal highness himself doesn't.

he said when he went back to our alma mater, mrs. vijay stared at him with piercing eyes. OMG. YOU GO GIRL! rock on babe.

i wish i had a pretty boyfriend. i told him that, and he said, "i've got no time to take care of my looks right now." O.O bwaaahahahaha. got this kind of boyfriend wan ah.

you know what pretty boys are? they have an obvious feminine look about them. they take care of their looks. but they are tough things man. they have body of solid abs which i bet, is like steel to the touch. what do i know? i've never touched real abs before. *hint hint* x)

so yummy can. CAN?!

drawing at boat quay again tomorrow! i've GOT to improve on my squibbly trees. then i have to research on Adolf freakin Hitler for my design icon. maybe i'm being too hard on myself. lol. over achiever. hmm.

my drawings are fine. and that's an overstatement. BELIEVE me.. i'm just trying to stay positive. heh. my tree trunks look like they freakin contracted herpes. disgusting laaaa.... and then i asked khai for help. and you know what he did?! he wrote a small note in pencil, "i dono hw to draw tree." LOL!! and he wrote on another page, "okay wad your tree. better than mine... haha." he wrote that beside a reallllllly lame attempt at a tree. as in, a stick with inverted clouds. LOL. which is not of proportion. LOL. funny sial... khai khai..

i think i only hated him when he was with nas. now i sayang him again like i used to. haha. omg, my skin crawled. it crawled all the way to africa. x)

i must enjoy life more now. must hang out with my girlfriends more. must quit being so stressed with a boyfriend's money problems. problems to which i offered my help only to be pushed away. thank you very much. as far as i'm concerned, i've done my part baby.

WORLD, REJOICE! i'm never gonna let myself be hung up over a guy. NEVER AGAIN! cept my future husband. whom i'm gonna have wonderful sex and babies and grandchildren and a nice house and shake leg at home. heh.


gwen gwen.. why she sing like that..

very random post hor. i think i'll go watch heroes again. =)

please have something interesting happen to me so when i'm 69, i won't look back to see that my poly life was so boring.. pweaaaaseee.. nothing bad ah.

how come i didn't blog about spider-man ah? OMG!!! I LOVE PETER PARKER OKAYS!!!!

so yah, i watch spidey 3 already. with none other than the person who taught me (almost) everything there is to love about spiderman; seth la. WHEE! i'll give it a bias 10/10! i LOVE emo peter! i LOVE dancing peter! SPOILER ALERT!

dunch u JUST looooooove it when emopete danced a jazz number with gwen?! superduperly kute! i seriously felt embarassed for emopete when he started dancing on the sidewalks, disturbing random girls. HAHA. so kute can..

and omg harry... HE JIWE AH! he can wait for peter to finish his oh-so-the-drama talk with sandman. then he wait till peter come to his side. wait for the precise moment when the sun is the most dramatic. and died. oh poor baby.

but what made it so good was all the drama. and you can seriously FEEL THE LOVE! right right?! agree not! i think i saw seth almost shed a tear. BWAHAHAA. sigh... *gush* .. oh peter with eyeliner.. *content smile*

though its a little too long, i loved every second. and MJ is better off with harry anyways. that silly boy. sigh... if only life was a superhero story.. =)

now i even forgot the real comic storyline. but one thing's for sure. the movie story differs GREATLY...


ok, as i was saying.. it differs greatly from the comic la. but i like!! wheee. so nice la. i love tobey maguire.. HE'S A PRETTY BOY!!

okay lahs.. time to motivate myself for school work. motivate first. then start doing. heee. CIAO-

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