
Some wounds don't heal.

Flames to dust.

False alarm: Caffeine intolerance.


As fat as it is.

Chill the fuck out.

Aching bones & Hunger.

Ha Ha Loser.

The three biggest little words.




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Yan: TP VSC. 241190. Awesome.
Heat: TP LRM. 140390. Awesome bitch.


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Nassie / Nasuha / Nas:
Major bookworm.
Not Rihanna.

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Hafiz / Afistz / Afiz:
One and only fatty. ♥
Boobies so huge, I'm jealous.

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Razif Ramli / Azip / Wazif:
Lost in Republic.
Shawtaaaaaay! ♥

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Razif Kassim / Ajit:
Maplek paling hensem.

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Asyraf / Acap:
Chicks hunter dah taubat.
Resident jiwang singer.

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"Them Guys":
Best of its kind. (:


Basecodes: rearrange
Layout: sugarxskulls

Best I ever had :)
Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Even when I say it, I know it sounds dubious. From now on, I'll just introduce him as a friend, the "best"  being a silent one.

They will make assumptions. And get confused when we talk rough. (I.e. Not lovingly. At all.) They might wonder why then are we physically close. Then stare in awe when we both talk about other boys or girls. And they'll see we're good for each other but by then, they'll know we're not like that.

It's the things you don't say that'll make them understand. When you're not guilty, you don't need a confession.

Oh he's just a friend. :)

P.S. If anyone asks, my weekend was great! Heh. Food food food. No money also nevermind. All the food was awesome. SUP TULANG SIOOOOL! :D

And yes, I did put on weight. First time sia, Raye weight! Heheheh. Ciao~
