yan: all smiles! sorta.. yan: randomly.. yan: shopping! yan: AFIZ IS MY ANGEL! yan: when friends aren't there yan: pardon me, im depressed. heather: heeeeheeee heather: heh heh yan: im a hypocrite. heh. HEATHER : >.< |
Ain kim Danial Firii Green Day Authority Heather Hida sis Jasmine Jason / Bloody Critic Jian Xiong Kenny Sia Eunice Lai Lenny Min Nassie Nadhirah NxHz. Priya Queenie Veron Xiaxue Yingying Yunz Sis Zhafey Zu Hui / Chariot YAN's VSC mates: Alyssa Benn Daphne Farhanah Jia Xin Joleen Min Da Salvin Sarah Syaf Sharon Wen Lin Wyncy Zaneta Zaneta (Photoblog) |
yan: for once, work was fun. Sunday, 11 February 2007 today morning i woke up. go school. waited for seth. some things just don't change.. haha. half an hour was enough to piss the shit out of me. god knows why.. sorry babe. then went to the school bazaar. it was err.. i'd like to say that my dear dmn sec became boring and unbearable after our batch. then again, maybe every graduating batch feels that way.. haha. then me, ajit, afiz, seth and heather went to lepak. khaii blanje-d all of us pizza hut. including priya & raushan and nassie. it summed up to over $100. O.O you can buy a baby in cambodia for that amount of money ok!! O.O i was superr sleepy and tired.. it seem that everyone else slept at 4 plus in the morning. i wonder why sia! haha. weird. i was deadbeat and dreading to go WORK.. WORK OK. but it turned out that work was GREAT. it was the FIRST TIME in the WHOLE MONTH of working there, where i truly feel like it was enjoyable. i guess its because the only girls were the two china girls, (MY FAV!) me, and the fatty bom manager who is constantly putting slimming products into her drink and they will all turn out to look like a banana milkshake. why i say banana? cos banana is digusting. laugh, bitch! haha. i have a problem with the girls working there. I JUST DO. inevitably, and not unexpected, i click with the guys soooo much better. you know why? COS GUYS DON'T JUDGE YOU. they simply don't care. cept for guys like khaii.. well, that's a whole different story la.. hahahaha. werewoman eh nas? so the guys working were the-two-new-guys, fahmy, taufiq, and alfi. now you see people, the last three guys are good looking people. they are nice people. wait, they are only nice when seth isn't around. i don't understand. really. neither do i like seth when he's around with the guys. individual good things are just not meant to be together. you know what i mean?? laugh, bitch! i've got photos with the guys. or OF the guys.. ALFI HAS A BLOODY CYBER-SHOT PHONE GOD FREAKIN DAMMIT! he's soft and not mean, not a poser, not into any particular genre, not stuck up, and not ugly. why can't all guys be like that hah? the only reason i won't EVER, (you can be sure babe..) fall for him is cos he's a year younger than me. haha. well, he's rich at least.. hah. i've had enough of younger boys. work was great. haha. =) i went home with taufiq just now. since seth didn't pick me up. he lives in sembawang. he's a great guy too. a year, or is it two years, older than me. he's not ugly. HAHA. at first while waiting in the line for a cab, i was watching borat on his PSP. then we spent the whole journey to his place talking. talking talking talking. =) just that ok. i'm tired now.. i don't know why.. my manager was in a fucking good mood just now.. i asked her if i could finally take off the "trainee" in my nametag. and she quizzed me on the spot. of course, im so smart, nothing got past me. i'm good. so i'm officially crew. trainee no more. considering the fact that khaii doesn't even know that you can change the pizza in the fortune meal, to any of your choice.. i doubt that he's gonna do well. haiyo.. that poor boy is just too damn blur la.. i do my homework by laughing, yet learning, at everyone's mistakes. =) its been over a month. i have yet to spill a drink on a customer. since i have biceps now, i seriously don't think that's happening. hah. =) insyaallah. okays people. i'll round up with some pics. till tomorrow.. CIAO- Labels: friends, seth, work was murder __________________________________________________________________________ |